Friday, October 24, 2008

Maybe God Wants An Occassional Shout Out

It occurred to me this evening that EVERYTHING that exists is a manifestation of God. This is a thought that is neither new to me nor original with me. It's been a part of my thinking for the better part of two decades. I felt it differently this evening, though its ingredients have been simmering for a number of weeks or months. In recognizing that a pre-incarnated God may have experienced unimaginable despair in God's utter loneliness, I've made room for the possibility of feelings that I'd previously thought God could not possibly hold. Jealousy, for example, the whole "have no other gods before me" thing. The God that postulated, to the extent that I postulated any God, would have had no desire for prayers of any kind. Indeed, that God would be devoid of feelings. I find myself coming to the conclusion that the pre-incarnated God contained at least the seeds of all the flaws of humankind (as well as everything else that is). I continue to wonder if there is a God beyond that which has been created (incarnated). If so, what is that aspect of God like? To what extent has God evolved both pre and post incarnation? Is creation itself, the Big Bang if that theory is true, a result of God's evolution?

These are the thoughts that currently play across my mind.

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